Thursday, July 24, 2008

Arizona here I come!

Next week I'll be in Phoenix! The last time I was there it was November and I was pregnant. My little brother is getting married and I am in the wedding. I am so happy for him and Karlyn, they are perfect for each other! My sister, Harper, and I will be flying out Wednesday morning, early! I am a little nervous about flying with a baby. I always felt bad for mothers with children on planes. If a baby cries on a plane, you have very little that you can do for them. And there are always those awful people that roll their eyes, moan, and do everything else in their power to make sure that you know that they are VERY irritated by your crying baby. I've had many suggestions for how to make the flight a smooth one, drugging them, nursing during take off and landing, nursing the entire time, prayer...the list goes on and on. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I do know that whatever happens, we will live, and those awful people should just get over it (or shell out the cash for another airline that has first class!)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Exploding air conditioning=LONG weekend!

We have been telling the people people that run our section of townhouses that our air conditioning hasn't been working correctly for the past 2 months. To be more specific, we have called 7 times in the past 2 months. So needless to say when they called on Friday to say that our unit had exploded and needed to be replaced, I wasn't surprised in the slightest. We had to check into a hotel for the weekend. The whole fam in one small was a long weekend. But we are now back in our house and pleasantly chilly! Harper did so great...I'm pretty lucky she seems to be a "go with the flow" baby. Here are some pictures from when Brandon's mom was here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


First of all I'd like to say how sorry I am for my friend Jeannette...30 weeks pregnant with a bum ankle. Not that there is ever really an ideal time to break a bone, but being pregnant is an exceptionally bad time! This week Brandon's mother has been in's been interesting. I think Harper is just worn out from all the company, she has been so grouchy today. She is like her mother, enjoys company and getting out, but also craves alone time and peace and quiet. Harper is smiling all the time now! Its so precious. In the morning when I go in to get her up, I always sing a good morning song. She starts smiling even before she opens her eyes. She knows her mommy's voice and is happy to see me, how cute is that?! I am so excited, Harper and I will be in Phoenix in 2 weeks! My brother is getting married and I am in the wedding. I'm interested to see how my dress fits...since the last time I tried it on I was 6 months pregnant...hmm...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day Care Blues

I have finally found a daycare that I am happy with, and believe me, it's been an exhaustive search. I just don't like the idea of someone else taking care of Harper other than me or her father on a daily basis. I know that other people can care for her, change her diaper, feed her etc. But no one can love her like I do! How will they know the songs she likes? How will they be tell that she is crying because she needs a nap or because she needs to be held? I'm sure I'm not the only mother who has agonized over these things. I'm still trying to get past the guilty feeling that won't go away.

On to happier things. Harper hates tummy time, I mean HATES it! But because I don't want her to have a wiggly jelly neck, we press on with it. Here are some pictures of her, a rare moment, when she was not screaming during tummy time.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bottle Battle

I think I have a very opinionated child. We have been trying to get her used to taking a bottle for weeks. I have to go back to work in August and she will have to take one at daycare. It has been a total battle to get her to take a bottle and, so far, Harper has been winning. I felt like I was giving up to easily, but after 45 minutes of screaming, I would usually break down and just breastfeed her. Well yesterday I went to brunch with some friends and Brandon texted me and said she took a bottle from him, no problem. All day yesterday and today she drank from a bottle like she'd been doing it forever! Hallelujah! Now if I could only get her to sleep for longer than 4 hours at a time at night and decide that its ok to be on her belly. One thing at a time.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Unwanted Advice!

I just have to vent a little...

As a new mother you get tons of unsolicited advice. Sometimes this advice is great...sometimes not so much. I'm getting a little tired of being scolded for not taking "good advice" from people. The fact of the matter is that most of this advice is just plain bad and most of the people from which is comes could tell me the sky was blue and I'd question them...they're that unreliable. As a result of this, however, people think I'm being stubborn. I'm not being stubborn, I'm making the best decisions possible on my daughters back off!

Enough of that. I'm excited for the 4th! We are going swimming and then to a cookout. Harper loves to swim! I took some pictures of our last swimming excursion only to realize once I got home that the memory card was out the camera *sigh* Oh well, I will take many tomorrow! Here are some more pictures at Miranda's request. These were taken when she was about 6 weeks old!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I have never blogged before (is blogged a verb or even a word?) but I have decided to do so after Jeannette suggested it and reading Nicole's almost daily! I read Nicole's because she has an infant daughter just like me and it's comforting to read about someone else going through the same things that I am. Jeannette and Nicole also live in Phoenix and I live in Little Rock *sigh* so I must live vicariously through others...oh AZ, I miss you so! I will try and post some pictures of Harper with this blog, hopefully it works!