Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas, Christmas time is here....

Getting my house ready for my parents to visit, they'll be here tomorrow.
I'll admit, I'm not much of a housekeeper.
I'll do what I can to make sure it's reasonably clean, but some of the more meticulous cleaning jobs often fall by the way side.  
Like dusting.
I hate dusting.
We have a lot of dark furniture so it really shows. Luckily, Harper thinks it's fun to help me.
I choose to capatalize on this while I can, because let's face it, she won't always feel this way!
As I was cleaning, I decided to get out my camera and take a few shots of the tree.
I'm still not great with my camera.  I don't like the way pictures look with the flash, and I don't have any training with using the camera.  It's been a lot of trial and error. Mostly error!  But oh well, I'm learning.
I can't wait for Harper to open her gifts! She's getting some gems this year.
There are quite a few gifts under the tree, Harper will love it.  
I am thankful for a lot this year.  My parents will be here and my sister and her husband will spend Christmas with us as well.
I am thankful for what I have.
I am thankful for what God, in His infinite wisdom, has had made me wait for, and for all the wonderful possibilities to come.
Merry Christmas and take a moment to be thankful.