Monday, August 25, 2008

Whoa Baby!

I called my friend Jeannette tonight for our usual late night talk/her trying to convince me to move back to Phoenix session, only Jessica answered the phone. She answered because Jeannette is in labor! I'm so excited for her! I wish I could be there to see her and that beautiful new baby! I'm also excited because we finally get to find out the name! Harper went to bed at 8:00 tonight, a first in her young life. We'll see how long she decides to stay asleep! She is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it. Being back at work has been hard, I feel so badly when I realize I've been so caught up in work that I haven't thought about her! It does make the time we spend at home together extra special. The weekend went by too quickly! Oh well, we always have the summers.