Thursday, July 23, 2009


I didn't do anything interesting today, in fact, I did the antithesis of interesting today...yes that's right, another teacher workshop!!! Two women that sat in front of me insisted on talking to each other the ENTIRE time! They weren't whispering either, they were talking at a normal volume. Most of their conversations consisted of criticisms of the instructors proposed methods and how they (because they went to grad school) know how to do it better. It was highly irritating. Just when I thought they couldn't annoy me any further, they outdid themselves in the afternoon. One of the women answered her phone and continued to speak to the caller for 5 minutes, all while the instructor is presenting. Someone finally got fed up with her and "shushed" her. Her response to this was to hang up her phone and say, out loud, "WHO SHUSHED ME??? THAT IS SOOO RUDE!" Really? You think that's rude?? You can't think of anything else going on that was RUDE??" At least I don't work with her.