Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I took Harper to the doctor today for her check up and shots...I always dread it because she cries so much and looks so sad! She really doesn't cry that much at home, so it gets to me a little. Anyway, the doctor looked in her left ear and said, "did you know she has an ear infection?" Of course I didn't! She had been a little cranky over the weekend, but she is cutting her first tooth so we didn't really think much of it. Oh well. That's the only thing I hate about daycare, the seemingly never ending bouts of ear infections/sickness. They do all they can do keep everything clean and sterilized, but with that many little kids in one place, it's bound to happen I guess.

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks! The time has been flying by since she's been born. I really love the holidays, especially Christmas. It's still a little hard though, to be here, away from my family during the holidays. Some of Brandon's family lives here, but it's just not the same. My parents are coming to Arkansas for Christmas this year, so that should be interesting! The rumor is that we may have snow in December this year, so that will be pretty...and potentially annoying. Snow in Arkansas is not like snow other places, like the Northeast, for instance. When it snows here, it melts after a day or so and the refreezes on the ground as ice. I hate the ice! I'm scared to drive anywhere when there's ice so I end up being homebound. Being from Arizona sometimes does have it's downfalls...they are few and far between, but to be fair they do exist.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Voting woes

This election was the first time since I've been able to vote that I did not cast a ballot, not on purpose, however. I had every intention of voting, I left work early to vote. When I got the polling place, I wasn't on the list!!!!! I'm not sure what happened, but my name was no where to be found. They said I could go in and cast a ballot, but it would eventually be thrown out. I figured I'd already wasted enough time. I'm mad. I always give people who don't vote a hard time, well not everyone, only those who complain. Can you tell I'm still a little disappointed?!?! I'm not the only one who had trouble ( sorry Nicole!!). Harper is sad too. People who don't vote make Harper sad.