Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bottle Battle

I think I have a very opinionated child. We have been trying to get her used to taking a bottle for weeks. I have to go back to work in August and she will have to take one at daycare. It has been a total battle to get her to take a bottle and, so far, Harper has been winning. I felt like I was giving up to easily, but after 45 minutes of screaming, I would usually break down and just breastfeed her. Well yesterday I went to brunch with some friends and Brandon texted me and said she took a bottle from him, no problem. All day yesterday and today she drank from a bottle like she'd been doing it forever! Hallelujah! Now if I could only get her to sleep for longer than 4 hours at a time at night and decide that its ok to be on her belly. One thing at a time.