I have finally found a daycare that I am happy with, and believe me, it's been an exhaustive search. I just don't like the idea of someone else taking care of Harper other than me or her father on a daily basis. I know that other people can care for her, change her diaper, feed her etc. But no one can love her like I do! How will they know the songs she likes? How will they be tell that she is crying because she needs a nap or because she needs to be held? I'm sure I'm not the only mother who has agonized over these things. I'm still trying to get past the guilty feeling that won't go away.
On to happier things. Harper hates tummy time, I mean HATES it! But because I don't want her to have a wiggly jelly neck, we press on with it. Here are some pictures of her, a rare moment, when she was not screaming during tummy time.