Thursday, May 28, 2009

The past month or so....

I don't really have anything interesting to say, and sadly, no new pictures! Harper is 13 months old, I can't believe it! We spent her birthday in the hospital. She had an infection in the tissue surrounding the bone in her elbow, yikes! We spent 4 days in the hospital, and as you can imagine I'm sure, it was not fun for anyone. We finally celebrated her birthday the Saturday following coming home from the hospital. My mom flew in because I didn't want Harper to go back to daycare for a few days so she could recover. We bought her a small cake for her to destroy. We lighted some candles and began to sing to her. She burst in tears and continued to cry for several minutes. She's just like her mother apparently, she hates to be the center of attention! She did eventually enjoy her cake and had a wonderful birthday. Her favorites gifts were a Disney Princess bouncing ball and a Dr. Seuss book. She turns each page and "reads" and when she gets to the end she turns it upside down and reads it again. So cute. The school year is almost over for me and I couldn't be happier! Although, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I'm teaching summer school! But before all that craziness happens, I get to go to Phoenix for my cousin's wedding. Should be fun! Well that's about it for now...There's never a dull moment at the Helms'!