Sunday, January 4, 2009

So long Holidays....

So the holidays are officially over and I have to return to work tomorrow. I've really enjoyed the time I've spent at home with my daughter. Two whole weeks of no daycare, just mommy. Hopefully she'll go back to her normal routine without much fuss. I realized over this break that I've become a bit of a homebody. I still like to go out with my friends, get a babysitter and go on date night with Brandon, but mostly, I just want to be at home with my family. There is something very comforting about having them all around me and just being still, at home. It's also better for my wallet too! My mom and I have planned a trip for Harper and I to come visit in February. I'm a little nervous about the trip because this time I will be traveling alone with Harper. Last time we were on a plane, I breast fed her until she went to sleep and then she stayed asleep the whole trip. I have this feeling that this time will not be so easy. But we'll see.

1 comment:

Nicole T said...

good luck with the travels, we haven't gone anywhere by plane yet. Let me know when you are here, maybe we can get all 3 girls together!